Our third day began rainy as well, but as our tour guide would've said, no worries. We trekked our way on over to the Deutches Museum for a few hours before we caught our 2:30 train back to Metz.
I really enjoyed the exhibits--although I found I prefer art museums to history/science museums, it was an incredible place and I could easily have spent another day there to fully see everything. They had stuff from the Wright brothers and German zeppelins and space flight down to electron microscopes and particle accelerators.
After we'd walked back to the train station, tired and cold, we got some lunch at Burger King (ha). I got a Whopper and it was delicious.
At the last train switch before home, there was a convenience store. And in this magical place, there were German chocolates and Haribo gummy bears. And cheap gum (gum in France is ridiculously expensive, sometimes 6 euros a pack). We spent the last of the journey swapping different flavors of chocolate and feeling quite satisfied with ourselves. :)
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