Back from our trip to Southern France. I could swim in the Mediterranean Sea all day if I could, it was so beautiful. I felt like I had jumped into a postcard, somewhere you only see in pictures and can't believe is real even when you're right there breathing it in.
We rode the night train both there and back, a good option if you want to "time travel." We arrived back just in time for me to take a shower and wash out all the sea salt from my hair before French class.
The first day we spent in Nice, exploring the city and the beach. The hostel we stayed at was pretty nice, not far from the train station. After dinner at a delicious all-you-can-eat mussel restaurant called Le Festival des Moules, we bumped into another Tech grad who completely understood why I was the only girl out of a group of 9 people. :)
The next morning we headed over to Monaco by local train, which was about as cheap as a bus ticket. I can see why all the richies want to live there--the view is spectacular. We grabbed some sandwiches from a street vendor and hiked up to the fort where the prince hangs out. After that, we walked down through a maze-like park that overlooked the Sea, and then back up a massive hill towards Monte Carlo.
The casino was neat from the outside. A few of our group weren't 21 yet so we didn't go inside; instead, we took lots of pictures of all the bajillionaires' cars and looked at all the fountains.
We decided to stop in a small town between Monaco and Nice called Villefranche Sur Mer. It had a fort you could climb up to, and we spent a bit of time up there enjoying the view before heading to dinner at a quaint little place. The French people like to take their time at dinner--we were there for a few hours, but the meal was delicious and it was nice not having to rush.
On Monday, we fulfilled the first stage of The Bet. The Bet, for those I haven't told yet, is about hair. Eric hasn't let his hair grow out longer than an inch for his whole life so I bet him that he couldn't go the rest of the summer without cutting it. Naturally, he decided to dye his hair an outrageous color so as to keep himself from shaving his head--after such an investment, it would be more economical to keep his hair. We couldn't find anybody who would take us seriously about blue hair, but we did find a nice lady who turned him blonde. Whether or not he can keep it is another story, but my end of the bet is that if he manages not to cut his hair, then I have to let the guys pick my hairstyle at the end of the summer. Don't worry, no man/bald/perm/make-dad-cry haircuts allowed, but color is game. Wish me luck.
The rest of Monday was spent climbing around the park we found up at the top of the city, where there was a man-made waterfall, and down at the pebble beach swimming and soaking up some sun. There was some commotion when people saw a dorsal fin off in the distance, but sadly, it turned out to be a dead dolphin rolling around in the waves.
Later, some of us went shopping and to MacDo's while the rest went off to eat at the mussel place again before getting on the night train back to Metz. It was a very nice trip--I felt like I had been on vacation, except that I had class at 10 Tuesday morning...
Not sure where we're going next, but I'll keep you updated!
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