Hey everybody,
If you're interested in what the other GT President's Scholars are doing this summer, you can check out this blog site too (I'm planning on copy+pasting from this blog to that one so my stuff'll be redundant):
Two of my roomies from this year are also heading to Europe this summer--they'll be posting on that website if you're curious. ^
I went to physical therapy again today to help with my weird back pain issues. They made me do some awful pilates-like core exercises, but it seems like it'll do me some good before I get on that long plane ride and then hike all over European creation. My therapist shook her finger at me when she said to keep up the exercises, as if she knew I'd forget.... So if you happen to comment on here, and it seems to you like I'm way too happy and have forgotten to do my exercises, feel free to add a postscript that says, "RACHEL DO YOUR EXERCISES!" and I will internally thank you for it. Hopefully, I'll be a totally new, physically fit person when I get back.
Official countdown: 13 days.
How about a comment that says only "RACHEL DO YOUR EXERCISES".