Thursday, April 29, 2010


Hey everybody!

As most of you may know, a peculiar (these days, anyway) fact about me is that I've lived in the same town, same house, same room, my entire life. And the more people I've met, the more I've realized that the chunk of territory I've covered is quite tiny, not just in global terms. Of the 50 states, I've hit about 8. If you want to get technical, Washington D.C. is checked off the list too. However, I've never been out of the country before. Frankly, it gives me the willies.

But now has come the time for me to conquer my claustrophobic tendencies and board a plane, blast through the remaining volcanic ash cloud, wonder how much longer I'll be able to sit still, and finally touch down in Paris, France. From there, if I'm lucky, I'll make it all the way to Metz by train. And thus I shall begin my study-abroad experience at Georgia Tech Lorraine. Ha, I made a rhyme...

Of course, I've got to get through 4 finals, a massive effort to pack my car (the net amount of things I own has mysteriously increased this year), and the 4315783472 packing/money/travel/communications checklists I've made/graciously received from other well-meaning people. As a bit of an afterthought, I decided to make a blog to make it a little easier for everyone who's curious about my future travels. And pictures are always fun.

So hold it in for me, Eyjafjallajokull, if you can. The countdown to lift-off begins: 18 days.
